We are very proud to announce that no less than 21 partners support this second edition of the Food Boost Challenge! These large and small organizations represent the entire spectrum: from education to health information, from marketing to production, and of course organizations from hot spots where youngsters gather.
Partners have an essential role in the Food Boost Challenge. They make this Challenge possible, by contributing in different ways. Financially and in-kind. Various partners are also open to pilot the concepts at a later stage.
On Thursday, February 16 the partner event of the Food Boost Challenge Limburg took place at Roda JC. We got to know each other, discussed the reason for the challenge and looked ahead to the upcoming events. For an impression, have a look at the photo recording in the gallery.
Would you like to know more about the partners or about partnerships? Then check our partner page. Interested in becoming a partner of this or a next Food Boost Challenge? Send an email to info@foodboostchallenge.nl