A healthy ambition

Enticing young people aged between 12 and 24 to adopt healthier eating habits

Why is the Food Boost Challenge being organized?

Young people in the Netherlands are too often tempted to make unhealthy food choices. On the road, but also at school or in the sports canteen. Many young people eat too little fruit and vegetables and prefer sweet drinks to water. An unhealthy snack is chosen faster than a healthy product. We want to know why. because if we understand the core of the problem we can work on a solution fitting for our target audience.

Who organizes the Food Boost Challenge and what is their interest?

The Food Boost Challenge is being organised by three parties:

Foodvalley NL an international and independent platform for groundbreaking innovations, established in Wageningen. Since 2004 Foodvalley NL has been an important booster for a sustainable nutritional system. Nowadays Foodvalley NL is a catalysator for change. But why? Our nutritional system has to change a lot to be able to generate enough food for 10 billion people in 2050. Food that is healthy, available, tasty and sustainable. Organizing the Food Boost Challenge fits with the ambition to support people (young and old) to eat healthy.

HortiHeroes is the platform for talent development, innovation and startup companies in the Food & Flower industry. The programs and activities focus on attracting, connecting and developing talent (students, startups and (young) professionals with the urge to innovate. To boost innovation, let companies grow and contribute to a better and healthier world.

More attention for health and prevention, lowers the pressure on our healthcare system. Healthapps and innovations that stimulatie a healthy food intake and enough activity, do not always reach all people with a higher risk. Medical Delta Living Lab VIT for Life focuses on keeping those who do have a raised risk of lifestyle related complaints healthy and focus on the simplification of health apps or other developed technology. They also integrate these technologies in a wider intervention offer for doctors and physiotherapists.

The Hague university of applied sciences, Hogeschool Rotterdam, WMO Radar, Kinderfysiotherapie Regio Westland and other healthcare institutions work together in this Medical Delta Living Lab. Medical Delta is an interdisciplinary cooperation with over 280 scientists from the Erasmus University, Erasmus MC, Tu Delft, LUMC, University Leiden and four Universities in South-Holland. Along with companies and governments in South-Holland they work together on technological solutions for healthcare. This does Medical Delta do with 15 interdisciplinary scientific programs and with practice based field- and living labs.

What makes this challenge so special?

In this challenge we work directly with the target audience: we do research in the first phase among adolescents to see who it concerns. Besides that we directly create a connection with companies, this by involving them in the research paper as well as involving them in the process where the results will be analyzed/innovation options. And, most important, the challenge will lead to concepts with the intention of implementing them in the market.

Are there entry requirements to become a partner in the Food Boost Challenge?

There are minimal entry requirements. Organisations from different sectors and from different sizes are more than welcome to contribute to the Challenge. This contribution can be in cash or in kind depending on the organisation. One requirement is that the contact masters the Dutch language.

Can my educational or knowledge institution still participate in the research or the Challenge?

We are always interested in new collaborations for the Food Boost Challenge! Please contact us for this at info@foodboostchallenge.nl.

And students at vocational schools, colleges or universities can of course also participate in the Challenge on their own initiative. If you have any questions about this, please contact us via the contact form or via info@foodboostchallenge.nl

Can schools or universities from other countries participate?

No, at the moment the Challenge is focused on Dutch schools and universities. This might change in future.

What is the cost of becoming a partner in the Food Boost Challenge?

We require a minimum contribution from partners (in cash and effort) to make the Challenge a success.

We have three rates: for corporates, SMEs and startups.

The final contribution also depends on you and our ambitions and can therefore vary per company or institution. We will of course be happy to discuss this with you. Leave a message at info@foodboostchallenge.nl and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How does a Food Boost Challenge unfold?

Each Food Boost Challenge consists of the following 4 phases:

  • In Phase 1, peer-action research is conducted among students at VMBO (pre-vocational), MBO (vocational), and HBO (college) on their eating behaviour and eating habits.
  • In Phase 2 (based on these new insights) we will launch a Challenge among MBO, HBO and WO students in the Netherlands. The aim is for them to come up with new concepts that contribute to young people making healthier food choices.
  • In Phase 3, the selected concepts will be validated in co-creation with students and industry, and the first steps towards realisation will be taken.
  • Phase 4 is the pitch event where 10 teams present their food concept on a stage with national reach.
What exactly is the difference between the 'research' and the 'Challenge'?

The research takes place among VMBO, MBO and HBO students (pre-vocational, vocational and college). This is done prior to registration for the Challenge. For the 2023 Challenge in Limburg, the research runs from October 2022 to December 2022. Registration for submission of a food concept (phase 2) will start in January 2023 and will be carried out by student teams, with support from partners.

What is the schedule of the Food Boost Challenge 2023 Limburg?

The Challenge will last a total of 9 months. The planning is as follows:

  • Phase 1 | Survey: autumn 2022
  • Phase 2 | Challenge registration opened: Jan/Feb 2023
  • Phase 3 | Validation, co-creation & realisation: spring 2023
  • Phase 4 | National pitch event: May/June 2022
What does it give us as an organisation to enter the Food Boost Challenge? What interesting moments occur?
  • Getting your name associated with this initiative and exposure on the website and during events, among others.

  • Providing input for the youth research and gaining insight into eating behaviour.

  • Getting in touch with young talent.

  • Co-creation with student teams to develop new concepts (to promote eating healthier products such as fruit and vegetables among young people).

Can our organisation or institution offer support to students participating in the Challenge?

Yes indeed. This can take the form of student (team) coaching, for example. During phase 2 (in which students come up with new concepts to make healthy food choices easier), we want to give organisations a coaching role towards the teams to achieve the desired development and innovation(s).

We are a (v)mbo institution. What does our participation (in the research phase) mean for our students?

For the Food Boost Challenge 2023, HBO students will conduct research among young people at VMBO and MBO schools in (especially South) Limburg from October to December 2022, to ask about their eating habits and eating environment. VMBO schools can still participate in this. If your school is interested in participating, please let us know via info@foodboostchallenge.nl.. Of course, the exact research design and planning will then be discussed with you.

How can we as a partner of the Food Boost Challenge profile ourselves?

Partners will be visible on the website with their logo. Along with that you’ll receive a communication kit and news updates to spread by using your own channels.

My idea/concept/product fits in the Challenge, can I use your network and platform?

Yes, you can! For example, in phase 1 (where insights are gained among (v)mbo students there can be a short question about your idea/concept/product.

In phase 2 you can register with your idea.

If your idea gets selected, you can work it out in phase 3 to pitch your idea in phase 4, gain national awareness and speed up the realization process.

How can I get in touch for other questions?

You can by filling in the contact form on the homepage or you can by mailing us on info@foodboostchallenge.nl

Partners 2023

Partners 2022


Join us!

Want to join us, or receive more information and updates? Leave your contact information by filling in the form or mail to info@foodboostchallenge.nl or follow us on social media.