On Friday 24 March, our young contestants rolled up their sleeves together with partners for the first co-creation session of the Food Boost Challenge in Limburg. Six teams and 18 partners took on the challenge of learning from each other and creating together.
There was plenty of pitching, drawing, brainstorming and speed dating in the Fortuna Sittard business lounge. Sports nutrition coach André Mostard provided the participants with concrete tips on how to change the eating environment for the better. How do you handle that in a school or sports canteen and what really helps to make the healthy choice easier. Sabine Janssen from Umio guided the co-creation pressure cooker with an intensive design thinking workshop. Partners helped the participants where possible with their knowledge and helpful questions. . On to the next session at Rabobank in Sittard!
Curious about the concepts and the teams? Then keep an eye on our website and socials!